Thursday, August 23, 2007


Recently, I was working on a "program" scrapbook where you are told specifically what to do with each page. I was totally stumped when it came to the page where I was supposed to describe my husband.

Charlie is a wonderfully complex man. The scrapbook instructions were to describe him in 15 single words. I can tell you right now from the day I met him, it would be impossible to describe him in so few words.

My girlfriend in New Zealand describes him as "lovely". That cracks Charlie up, but that little word says loads about Charlie. He is lovely to look at, has a lovely personality, has a lovely disposition, has a lovely outlook on life, is a lovely husband, is a lovely father, is a lovely friend....

As powerful as the word "lovely" is, I need more than that to describe my husband. I pared down my list to these words for my scrapbook: honest, responsible, handsome, intelligent, forgiving, patient, protective, strong, encourager, compassionate, faithful, fun, gentleman, handy, brave, godly, self-sacrificing, gentle, loving, dedicated, integrity.

It was easy to come up with those words. Charlie is a great guy and a wonderful husband.

Living and Learning,


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