Saturday, October 20, 2007

Dry Knees

I've had a bad case of dry skin lately, and a bigger case of reality check. Parenting children has both of those effects on me. As Dr Dobson's book says, "Parenting Isn't for Cowards".

I think parents are the most amazing people in the world. You take this little bundle of joy and nurture it to the best of your ability for 20 years, only to turn it lose on the world. Along the way there certainly are wonderful times....learning to walk, family vacations, singing around the piano, tag in the back yard, science projects and art projects, Christmas morning.

However, being a parent also means doing the tough things....discipline, correcting, guiding. We aren't raising a blob of jello, you know! This child has thoughts, emotions, feelings, ideas and is full of sin, just like the rest of us. Shocking, I know!

The Lord entrusts us to this blessed part of His creations. We are to raise them in the training and admonition of the Lord. If that isn't a humbling thought, I don't know what is. This is why I have dry knees. I know I am in need of His help and care raising these children. It is He who sustains me, guides my steps, and want me to look to Him for care. That is why I have dry skin on my knees. I often find myself on my knees asking for His direction in raising these children.

God is good. I am glad I can bring my parenting issues to Him.

living and learning,

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