Thursday, August 23, 2007

Middle Schoolers

Two of my four children are middle school boys. We school at home, so I really have gotten a chance to get to know them well. I know their strengths and weaknesses. I know their struggles and their triumphs.

Recently, they attended a teen social. I received the following report from a friend. Andy is my son, and he has a sweet friendship with G.. They are both about 14 years old.

"Andy is such a hoot. I just love him! Picture this... Joanna and I at the table, Andy at the sink for water. In comes G. As she was walking in to get something she is talking the whole way to us. She talks all the way to the living room and then all the way back out. Joanna, Gary, and I could not understand one thing that she said. Andy had just stood there nodding. We all looked at each other as G walked out and said, "Did you catch anything that G just said?" We all agreed that there was no use in trying. Andy said, "Allow me to translate; I speak fluent girl and grown up!" He then proceeded to tell us what she said. So funny! We all laughed so hard. It WAS like she was speaking another language, we knew she was trying to communicate but had no clue what she said!"

I am enjoying these years with teenagers. We have had a few rough spots along the way, but I try to keep focused on the blessings and the joy that these young people bring to our lives.

Living and Learning,


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